Birth of Baha'u'llah and the Future of Iran

[92] Rejoice with great joy, for God hath made thee “the Dayspring of His light”, inasmuch as within thee was born the Manifestation of His Glory.** Be thou glad for this name that hath been conferred upon thee -- a name through which the Day-Star of grace hath shed its splendour, through which both earth and heaven have been illumined.
[93] Erelong will the state of affairs within thee be changed, and the reins of power fall into the hands of the people. Verily, thy Lord is the All-Knowing. His authority embraceth all things. Rest thou assured in the gracious favour of thy Lord. The eye of His loving-kindness shall everlastingly be directed towards thee. The day is approaching when thy agitation will have been transmuted into peace and quiet calm. Thus hath it been decreed in the wondrous Book.
*Tihran. “Ta” is the initial letter of Tihran, the capital of Iran. Baha’u’llah has often chosen to represent certain place names by reference to their initial letter. According to the abjad system of reckoning, the numerical value of Ta is nine, which equals the numerical value of the name Baha.
** This is a reference to the birth of Baha’u’llah in Tihran on 12 November 1817.
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